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Sunday, December 25, 2011

It's Time!!

Hey Everyone,

This is probably going to be the most difficult thing I have ever done.  It has taken almost 32 years to reach this point.  It is time to be totally honest with myself and with people who are close to my heart.

 My whole life I have felt like I was missing something.  So I traveled the path that society accepts.  I found a girl, we moved in together, I proposed on the beach in Cuba, we got married, we bought a house together and then had a child.  After all that, I didn't feel complete.  So we agreed to separate.
After Val and I separated, I decided to do a bit of soul searching.  I decided to do something that has been hiding and pushed to the back of my mind since I was 10 years old!
I met a guy last November 2010 and dated him for 5 months.  He wasn't out yet and said he could never come out.  I figured this is good, since its all new to me, and I wasn't really sure.  Well it turned out that he made me really happy but in the end, he couldn't give me what I wanted.  A relationship, a companion, someone to enjoy my life with.
 Since then, I have been doing a lot of thinking.  I have been on dates with both men and women.  However, I decided to go down a path that is definitely going to be a difficult one.  A path most people don't agree with, mainly cause they don't really understand how you feel or why you feel that way.  Heck, I don't even understand it, but it does feel right.
I have kept this hidden for a lot of reasons.  The number one reason, is the fear of rejection.  I am still the same old Joey, in fact, I am better then I was before, cause I am truly being me.
There is a few things that I ask of you, my family and my friends.  Please don't judge me and please offer your support.
I have decided to "come out" cause I want my 2012 to start fresh, and I don't want to have to lie anymore.

 This is who I am, take it or leave it.

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and look forward to an exciting 2012! :-)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Thyroid Saga continues...

Okay, so you all know that I recently saw the specialist a little while back and he said things were going good enough that he could pass me on to my family doctor. 
Well, I went for one final blood test to make sure that things were still good.  I called the specialist today and found out that my thyroid levels are high!
Back in June, my levels dropped into the below normal category, so I was started on Synthroid.  Since then, the dose was dropped from 0.088 to 0.075.  Now, I am told to stop taking the Synthroid for 6 weeks and go for a blood test!  Yeah, back to the every 6 week blood tests!  I love them!  LOL
This is where the story gets really good.  If they are still high, then I might have to go a do another dose of radiation!  I really don't want to do that.  I was already worried about the first time I did it.  Radiation can't be good for your body.  Now I am worried that I might have to do it again! 
I really shouldn't worry though, I will know more 6 weeks from now.  One good thing about all this is I don't have to get up 6am to take a stupid pill!  LMAO

That's all for now!  I will keep you posted and sitting on the edge of your seats with a thyroid cliffhanger!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy Anniversary Aug, 8, 2011

Hey Everyone,

In case you didn't know, today, August 8, 2011 would have been my 5th wedding Anniversary.  5 years ago, I decided to marry my best friend, it was one of the happiest days of my life.  Now today, August 8, 2011, happens to be one of the saddest.

We met at McDonalds (Upper Gage and Mohawk location) roughly 11 years ago.  I was 21 and a manager and Val was 18 and full time day staff.  We have been through so many rough times but have accomplished so many great things together.  Things I probably would have never been able to do on my own.
This is a pic of Annie only a day old.
This is us at Disney World.
This is our house.

I am sitting alone in the house I bought with my wife, eating some shitty dinner wondering where I have gone wrong.   Now every time I try and start a new relationship with someone, it just ends in failure and chaos.  I have talked to people, I have read books and just when I start feeling like the fog is lifting, it doesn't get any brighter.

From what I hear things will get better, and just writing in this blog has made me feel better.

Thanks Everyone for reading!

Joey Cipolla


Saturday, April 30, 2011

to tat or not to tat?

Hey Everyone,

Long time no blog!
So there comes a time in a boy's life were he must become a man, and stop being such a pansy and get a tattoo.
I have been thinking that I want to get a tattoo however there are a couple things that are holding me back.
A: I don't do pain.
B: I don't do needles.
C: I don't do pain.
D: I don't know what to get.

So, driving the bus, you see lots of people, hence lots of different tattoos.  I don't want something trendy, like a bar code on the back of your neck or some chinese letter or word or whatever!  I want something unique, that describes what I like or mean for the rest of my life.  It is permanent you know!
I was thinking of different symbols that describe me.  Maybe the HSR logo, LOL, or maybe something Star Trek?  Not really my style.  I mean I will love those things for the rest of my life, but not really me.  Then I thought, what about a word or a phrase?  Something in english of course since that's what I speak and read.

What would be one word that describes you?  I have been thinking of a word I think would best describe me, how I feel, and how I want to live.
That word is "Free".
 Free to choose who I want to be.  Free to do what I want.  I like when I get stuff for Free.  Free like the wind, I don't like feeling trapped.  Free to come and go as I please.  A Free man!
So I think the word "Free" would be cool written in a nice script.
Now that I figured out what I am going to get, I just got to figure out where!  LMAO

Talk to you all later!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I smelleth oh thee rotten one

The pungent musky smell of the Hamiltonian has awoken from its winter slumber.  It haunts my nostrils as it invades the interior of the bus.  Every breathe slowly breaks down the peace between my stomach and its contents.  I feel nauseated!   The once chewed and partially digested food has mutated into some evil creature as it claws its way up my esophagus and into my mouth.  The bell rings, and Mr. Stinky gets up.  I open the doors with the last bit of life that is in me.  The wind blows clean fresh air against my face.  I close my eyes and take a deep breath!  I have once again eluded death but for how long can I fight this battle of olfactory sensation?  For how long?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oh I love thee Starbucks!

Here is a quickie while I was in Starbucks...

S - Super
T - Tasty
A - Awesome
R - Reliable???
B - Blended
U - U know
C - Coffee, thats an easy one
K - Kazachoc (Slavic fast dance in which the dancer squats and kicks out their legs alternately)
S - Sweet

That was a difficult 5 min, but now I can justify telling the Starbucks girl that I am an author.  Well, I told her I was writing an autobiography.  Well, I guess my blog is sort of an autobiography cause I share all sorts of shit about my life on this thing!

Have a good night!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

This one is for you!

This blog is for a special someone who will always be in my heart...

I am crazy.  
I am stubborn.  
I am complicated.  
I am confusing and confused.  
I am dramatic. 
I am happy. 
 I am sad.  
I am talkative.  
I speak before I think.  
I think too much.
I am charming.
I am arrogant.
I am smart and I am dumb.
I love and love to be loved.
I know what to say but I am a loss for words.
I make mistakes.
I make lots of mistakes.
I am everything...
but complete without you. 

Have a good night everyone!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ode to RX-8

I haven't really been able to focus my thoughts these past few days.  It must have something to do with the thyroid.  I went for a blood test last Thursday and called the specialist today.  Of course the results are not looked at yet but hopefully they call back tomorrow morning.
As for doing the light exercise, its been 2 days and I have done nothing.  I am just exhausted after work.

Now enough with the boring shit, pardon my french.
I thought I would share a story with you.  A story of love at first sight.  A story of two becoming one.  Pure excitement, love, and happiness!  A story of my first drive with the beautiful Mazda RX-8.
It all started with a trip to the dealership.  I was scoping the place out for some nice honeys, when I looked across the car lot and she caught my eye.
As the wind gently blew, I made my way casually over to her.  I didn't want her to think I was desparate, but I wanted her to know that I was into her.  I looked directly into her head lights.  They lit up like twinkling stars.  I got the keys and a plate, and opened the door.
I sat down and took a deep breath.  The smell of her leather was arousing.  I put the key in and started her up.  She purred like a gentle kitten.  I reached over, turned on the radio and cranked the volume.  Bitter Sweet Symphony by the Verve came on...(press play)

As the music got louder, I placed one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand on the shifter.  I closed my eyes.  I could feel the engine spinning and buzzing through the soft vibrations of the shifter.  Goose bumps ran up the back of my neck and I took a breath like a baby taking a breath of air for the first time.  For that one brief moment, man and machine meshed as one.
Then I took her for a drive and it was awesome!
I know, you were expecting an explosion after a climax like that.  Sometimes, short, sweet and direct is the best way!  Plus I am getting tired and need sleepy time.  LMAO

Have a good night and hope you enjoyed the story!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Geez, so much happened today...

Where to start...
Ted bringing a sandwich to the sign-up tonight and I was so hungry and he wouldnt share, or should I bitch...I mean comment on how Mark stole my work.  Bastard!

I made a promise to myself that I would start going for walks to get exercising again, however, I did not make it out!  So I was thinking, that since I break my own promises, that if I promised my readers that I would, then I would have to!  Can't let my millions of loyal readers down.  In fact, I invite all of you to join me in doing some light activity each day!  Are you up for the challenge?

I cannot focus my thoughts...they are all over the place!
I want to mention that the new response to "Thank You" is "Yeah" instead of "You're Welcome", or that the meaning of life is to just plain live, live each day to the fullest and always tell your loved ones that you do love them, and don't assume that they know it.  That rich chocolate cheesecake can make everything better, even after one bite!  The Matrix Trilogy is one of the top Trilogies in the world!  Okay so I don't know if thats 100% true but it is in my books!  Did I also forget to tell you that I saw "The King's Speech" and since it won 4 Oscars, that makes me a better person then someone who didn't see it?  LMAO  *cough*cough*

Annie's Birthday dress still not bought, but sources say that there are beautiful little dresses at Fortino's.  Keep checking back for Updates!

That's it for now, I think.  I had so much to say but I can't remember.  Maybe I should get a micro cassette recorder, and record my thoughts as I get them.  It seems that I am starting to lose focus again!
Oh yeah, calling the Specialist tomorrow!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oscar Night

Never really been a fan of the Oscars so I would like to thank God, Jesus, my family for supporting me through this wild ride and Spike TV for putting on Star Wars Episode III while the Oscars are on.
You know I think I am ready to accept my Oscar for Best Blog. LMAO
One question to leave you for homework tonight...does anyone have the answer to life and its meaning? We will discuss this in class tomorrow so have your assignment completed.

Thanks for reading the Short but Sweet Cell Phone Blog.
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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Birthday Dress

Hey Hey Everyone,

Annie's 2nd Birthday is coming up, March 4 to be exact and we are having a party for her.  Now that I think about it, I haven't sent out any invitations.  I think its going to be Saturday March 5 around 3pm.  She wants a pizza party so what the princess wants, the princess gets!  I will be sending out invitations with exact details.
I think deep fried pickles will be on the menu plus a Potato and a Caesar salad.  Oh yeah don't forget the cake.  I was thinking of making a train cake but don't know if I have time.
Annie has entered a wonderful time in her life and in ours.  Here is a video of the lovely little princess to give you an idea of what we are going through...
Yep, she has entered the "NOOOOO!" stage.  It is so cool.  Imagine everything you ask her and the answer is "NOOOO!"  I think this stage is also referred to as the Terrible 2s!
Anyways, she is still my bratty little princess and we are going out to the mall to buy her a pretty princess dress!

I will post a pic of the dress once we get it!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Cream of Turkey Soup vs Beer and Wings vs Libya?

Okay where to start...
I know I missed writing a little something something, but I was so tired and thoughtless yesterday, that it would have been just a blank blog!

I did however make a delicious Cream of Turkey soup.  My Mom made a turkey that she had in her freezer since January and gave me lots of Turkey leftovers.  So I decided to make a soup.  Now I texted a picture of the finished product to a friend, *cough*cough*Neno*cough*, who said it looked bad, but I dont want to center that friend out *cough*Neno*cough*cough*.  It was so delicious though, that I thought I would share with my readers the recipe, a picture of the soup and a video testimonial of how good it was.

 Some Crusty bread to go with it...
and the video to prove it was delicious...
 So I bet you are sold on how good it is so I will share the recipe.

Joe Joe's Super Yummy Turkey Soup

4 strips of Bacon
4 Potatoes
1 Carrot
1 can of Corn
12 tbs of flour
2 cups of half and half
4 cups of chicken or turkey broth
1 cup of butter (yep I know its fattening)
Left over turkey cut into chunks
Salt, Pepper and Poultry Seasoning

First, I started with frying 4 strips of bacon, and I peeled 4 potatoes and 1 carrot, cut into chunks and I boiled them, but not too much.  Then I put the bacon on a paper towel and left it rest.
While the potatoes and carrots are boiling, its time to make the cream part of the soup.  Melt the butter in your soup pot (the one you are going to make the soup in) and add the flour.  Let the butter and flour cook a little bit while whisking, then whisk in the broth and then the half and half.  Add a dash salt and pepper and poultry seasoning.
Strain the potatoes and carrots and add to the cream broth.  Add the corn, cut the bacon, and add the cut up turkey.
Let simmer and enjoy!

Now on to Beer and wings.  I love beer and wings!  I think that if all the world leaders got together for beer and wings, the world would be at peace with each other!  There would be no war or hate for other nations.  Beer and wings is the solution people.  I bet Jesus, Buddha, and Allah probably had beer and wings together. So get out there and eat lots of wings and drink lots of beer and spread the word of Beer and Wing goodness!

I thought that I would quickly mention the people in Libya.  I don't really think I am educated enough to get in to get deal about them, but what I know is that they are protesting against Gadhafi, who is the ruler or leader, not really sure the word used for his position.  I have heard that he is actually crazy, real life crazy, clinically insane, coo coo, you get the picture.  I think the reason for the protest, is for a fair government to run their country, and not be under the rule of Gadhafi.  He even started bombing his own capital city and killing his own people.
Here, check out this link for more information, and please correct me if I am wrong.

So, signing off on this beautiful Friday night,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Haiku Who?

Hi Everyone,

I got quite the response on yesterdays blog!  Last time I checked, I had 17 views!  On my way to being a very popular blauthor!

Well, last night while lying in bed, trying to get to sleep, I came up with a Haiku.  I was a bit depressed.  Still a bit today and I dont really know what to do.  Anyways, we will save that for another day.
Back to the it normal to just think of Haikus while just lying in bed?

This Haiku is titled "Wedding Band"

Shiny Metal Ring
Worthless, Meaningless, Empty
Goodbye Forever?

Yeah, like I said its a bit depressing but thats how I felt yesterday!
I also thought of having a Ring Burial Service.
What's a Ring Burial Service you ask?  Thats when friends and family get together in a grave yard and bury the wedding ring of the party seeking separation.  My theory is in a grave yard, the body is layed to rest, and the soul is freed from the body and ascends to heaven.  So, if we bury the wedding ring and lay it to rest, maybe my soul will be set free from this unholy union and ascend me to heaven.  Okay, so unholy union is a bit dramatic, but you know how I like the dramatics!

Have a good sleep everyone, and may the Force be with you!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What's a Blought?

Hey Everyone,

So, I know you have all been missing the "Radioblogtive", and I have been thinking! LOL I know, sounds ridiculous! However, most of you bus drivers already know this, but when driving the bus, a million and one thoughts run through my head. I come up with ideas to save the world, fix peoples problems, invent a renewable clean source of energy, and what to make for dinner! Okay, so I dont do all of that but you get the idea.
Being the smart and charming person that I am, I thought, what if I wrote a blog about my thoughts that are spirialing through the black hole that resides in my head? Plus, it would solve the problem of people missing my excellently spelled and punctuated blogs. Did I ever tell you that I got graded extremely low marks in High School English? LMAO
The definition of blog reads "a website that allows users to reflect, share opinions, and discuss various topics in the form of an online journal while readers may comment on posts."
The definition of thought reads "the process of using your mind to consider something carefully."
So, mash the 2 words together and you get "Blought", "the process of using your mind to consider something carefully and documenting it on a website that allows users to reflect on those thoughts, share opinions, and discuss various thoughts in the form of an online journal while readers may comment on posts."
Conclusion: basically a blog about nothing or everything or someone or no one or a feeling or whatever!