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Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy Anniversary Aug, 8, 2011

Hey Everyone,

In case you didn't know, today, August 8, 2011 would have been my 5th wedding Anniversary.  5 years ago, I decided to marry my best friend, it was one of the happiest days of my life.  Now today, August 8, 2011, happens to be one of the saddest.

We met at McDonalds (Upper Gage and Mohawk location) roughly 11 years ago.  I was 21 and a manager and Val was 18 and full time day staff.  We have been through so many rough times but have accomplished so many great things together.  Things I probably would have never been able to do on my own.
This is a pic of Annie only a day old.
This is us at Disney World.
This is our house.

I am sitting alone in the house I bought with my wife, eating some shitty dinner wondering where I have gone wrong.   Now every time I try and start a new relationship with someone, it just ends in failure and chaos.  I have talked to people, I have read books and just when I start feeling like the fog is lifting, it doesn't get any brighter.

From what I hear things will get better, and just writing in this blog has made me feel better.

Thanks Everyone for reading!

Joey Cipolla



  1. I know how hard it is Joey and yes, it does get better. One piece of advice (if you don't mind my saying): stop trying to start new romantic relationships. It can take up to 2 years (sometimes longer) to grieve the loss of a marriage. You need to concentrate on grieving your losses, forgiveness, healing yourself and working on personal growth. Focus on all the successes in your life and on all the good things - make a list; there are probably more than you think. You need to become a full and happy person on your own before inviting a new partner into your life. Best wishes, Joey, you're a great person, and you deserve a happy life. =) (Oh, and read that book I gave you.)

  2. It sucks things didn't work out. Sorry my friend.
