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Saturday, April 30, 2011

to tat or not to tat?

Hey Everyone,

Long time no blog!
So there comes a time in a boy's life were he must become a man, and stop being such a pansy and get a tattoo.
I have been thinking that I want to get a tattoo however there are a couple things that are holding me back.
A: I don't do pain.
B: I don't do needles.
C: I don't do pain.
D: I don't know what to get.

So, driving the bus, you see lots of people, hence lots of different tattoos.  I don't want something trendy, like a bar code on the back of your neck or some chinese letter or word or whatever!  I want something unique, that describes what I like or mean for the rest of my life.  It is permanent you know!
I was thinking of different symbols that describe me.  Maybe the HSR logo, LOL, or maybe something Star Trek?  Not really my style.  I mean I will love those things for the rest of my life, but not really me.  Then I thought, what about a word or a phrase?  Something in english of course since that's what I speak and read.

What would be one word that describes you?  I have been thinking of a word I think would best describe me, how I feel, and how I want to live.
That word is "Free".
 Free to choose who I want to be.  Free to do what I want.  I like when I get stuff for Free.  Free like the wind, I don't like feeling trapped.  Free to come and go as I please.  A Free man!
So I think the word "Free" would be cool written in a nice script.
Now that I figured out what I am going to get, I just got to figure out where!  LMAO

Talk to you all later!


  1. Just get the Tattoo ya Pansy, it on your shoulder like my first Tattoo....One of the best places, once you get past the initial pain, (which really isn't bad) it is easy....Make sure you don't ask for Free Man and get FREMONT on you like Robin Williams did in Old

  2. Meh. I say skip it. Be an original. Be ink-free.
