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Monday, February 28, 2011

Geez, so much happened today...

Where to start...
Ted bringing a sandwich to the sign-up tonight and I was so hungry and he wouldnt share, or should I bitch...I mean comment on how Mark stole my work.  Bastard!

I made a promise to myself that I would start going for walks to get exercising again, however, I did not make it out!  So I was thinking, that since I break my own promises, that if I promised my readers that I would, then I would have to!  Can't let my millions of loyal readers down.  In fact, I invite all of you to join me in doing some light activity each day!  Are you up for the challenge?

I cannot focus my thoughts...they are all over the place!
I want to mention that the new response to "Thank You" is "Yeah" instead of "You're Welcome", or that the meaning of life is to just plain live, live each day to the fullest and always tell your loved ones that you do love them, and don't assume that they know it.  That rich chocolate cheesecake can make everything better, even after one bite!  The Matrix Trilogy is one of the top Trilogies in the world!  Okay so I don't know if thats 100% true but it is in my books!  Did I also forget to tell you that I saw "The King's Speech" and since it won 4 Oscars, that makes me a better person then someone who didn't see it?  LMAO  *cough*cough*

Annie's Birthday dress still not bought, but sources say that there are beautiful little dresses at Fortino's.  Keep checking back for Updates!

That's it for now, I think.  I had so much to say but I can't remember.  Maybe I should get a micro cassette recorder, and record my thoughts as I get them.  It seems that I am starting to lose focus again!
Oh yeah, calling the Specialist tomorrow!


  1. I'm challenging you. I'm working out, walking, dancing or doing something every day until I go to Cuba. I am on day 3 and am 3 for 3. Killian Michaels - omg that was a typo, but it makes so much sense! - Jillian is killing me.

    Matrix = Yuck.

  2. We've been having after dinner dance offs. Challenge!

  3. OMG get a tape recorder get a tape recorder!
