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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What's a Blought?

Hey Everyone,

So, I know you have all been missing the "Radioblogtive", and I have been thinking! LOL I know, sounds ridiculous! However, most of you bus drivers already know this, but when driving the bus, a million and one thoughts run through my head. I come up with ideas to save the world, fix peoples problems, invent a renewable clean source of energy, and what to make for dinner! Okay, so I dont do all of that but you get the idea.
Being the smart and charming person that I am, I thought, what if I wrote a blog about my thoughts that are spirialing through the black hole that resides in my head? Plus, it would solve the problem of people missing my excellently spelled and punctuated blogs. Did I ever tell you that I got graded extremely low marks in High School English? LMAO
The definition of blog reads "a website that allows users to reflect, share opinions, and discuss various topics in the form of an online journal while readers may comment on posts."
The definition of thought reads "the process of using your mind to consider something carefully."
So, mash the 2 words together and you get "Blought", "the process of using your mind to consider something carefully and documenting it on a website that allows users to reflect on those thoughts, share opinions, and discuss various thoughts in the form of an online journal while readers may comment on posts."
Conclusion: basically a blog about nothing or everything or someone or no one or a feeling or whatever!


  1. Ah, the wonder of the internet, allowing us to share our rambling minds with one another with the greatest of ease in a socially acceptable medium (that is, as opposed to talking to your invisible friend on the street corner). So, do you carry a micro-recorder while you're working so you can dictate thoughts to be bloughted later on?

  2. Low grades in English? However did that happen when you're so articulate and intelligent? Defining the terms of your blog is a truly beneficial element of persuasion. Well done. Good job. Level 4 work. You get an A!

  3. I give thy curses back to thee and I invoke the law of three!
