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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Birthday Dress

Hey Hey Everyone,

Annie's 2nd Birthday is coming up, March 4 to be exact and we are having a party for her.  Now that I think about it, I haven't sent out any invitations.  I think its going to be Saturday March 5 around 3pm.  She wants a pizza party so what the princess wants, the princess gets!  I will be sending out invitations with exact details.
I think deep fried pickles will be on the menu plus a Potato and a Caesar salad.  Oh yeah don't forget the cake.  I was thinking of making a train cake but don't know if I have time.
Annie has entered a wonderful time in her life and in ours.  Here is a video of the lovely little princess to give you an idea of what we are going through...
Yep, she has entered the "NOOOOO!" stage.  It is so cool.  Imagine everything you ask her and the answer is "NOOOO!"  I think this stage is also referred to as the Terrible 2s!
Anyways, she is still my bratty little princess and we are going out to the mall to buy her a pretty princess dress!

I will post a pic of the dress once we get it!


  1. Happy early birthday to little Annie. Great day to be born... Mike's birthday is the same day. Maya has entered the "terrible fives" and her favourite word is NEVER! So there's that. Can't wait to see the Princess dress.

  2. On my little dear Banannie!! I love this chick! Hopefully she will want to put the princess dress on.....NNOOOOO! lol
