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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oh I love thee Starbucks!

Here is a quickie while I was in Starbucks...

S - Super
T - Tasty
A - Awesome
R - Reliable???
B - Blended
U - U know
C - Coffee, thats an easy one
K - Kazachoc (Slavic fast dance in which the dancer squats and kicks out their legs alternately)
S - Sweet

That was a difficult 5 min, but now I can justify telling the Starbucks girl that I am an author.  Well, I told her I was writing an autobiography.  Well, I guess my blog is sort of an autobiography cause I share all sorts of shit about my life on this thing!

Have a good night!


  1. yeah plus you look like you're doing something important on your laptop while you're sitting in starbucks...not just cruising facebook while you're sipping your venti. I like the Sumatra coffee but it is rarely the bold flavour of the day...for some reason whenever I go in it's french roast...if I want that I can go buy it at the Costco and make it at home. I inquired about it one day and was told that they are told by head office everyday which flavors to brew. Not sure I believe that...sounds a little too much like a gas station. But to answer your question..they are reliable at brewing french roast as their bold pick of the day.

  2. btw I hope passengers weren't sitting on the bus waiting while you were sitting in starbucks making starbucks into an acronym.

  3. They probably were. That's just one of the many tactics employed by HSR drivers to drive the transit riding public nuts so people will buy more cars and keep the economy strong.
